How to care for women's health during the summer


During the summer months, women face various pitfalls while bathing that can damage our health. The quality of the water and the way it is cleaned are important. Our vaginal mucosa has its natural pH, if it is disturbed, infections and other problems can develop.

You should be careful both in public swimming pools and in natural waters. Bacterial and fungal infections, vaginal mycoses can occur due to a moist environment that promotes the growth of yeast.

That is why a thorough shower is an important step after bathing. If you are in nature and do not have the opportunity to wash yourself immediately, carry a bottle of clean water and intimate napkins with you, which are enough as a quick rescue. Definitely don't stay in a wet or damp swimsuit for a long time and you'll change into dry clothes.

When swimming in nature, monitor the quality of the water to see if it is in any way polluted, cloudy and if it does not fit in any way. A moment's pleasure in such dubious water is not worth future trouble. If you are not fond of chlorinated pools, today there is an alternative that is more gentle. Either ozone cleaning or natural biotopes, where aquatic plants and animals take care of water quality.

The female microbiome

The microbiome is invisible to the eye and a unique ecosystem in each person, which plays a bigger role in the body than I think. It is a summary of the genes of all the microbes that inhabit our organism. Humans have several types of microbiome, because microorganisms colonize all surfaces of the organism covered by epithelium. The skin microbiome is very important, the oral microbiome in the mouth, a specific microbiome is also found in the respiratory tract. There is also a microbiome of the urogenital tract, and in women the vaginal microbiome is very important.

Bacteria also live in a woman's lap. And not a little. One gram of vaginal secretion contains ten to six of them. The microbiome of each particular woman is individual and specific, therefore, like any other microbiome, it cannot be decided unequivocally that this one is the healthy one.
By comparing the microbiomes of healthy women, it was found how the representation of different bacterial strains or genera should probably be. For example, Swedish microbiologists don't even bother to take samples of different lactobacilli from women who don't usually suffer from vaginal urinary tract infections. They compared samples from patients who repeatedly have these kinds of intimate problems. And thanks to such studies, it was possible to develop microbial preparations containing "friendly microbes", i.e. probiotics, which help to reverse the so-called dysbiosis, a condition where the necessary balance is disturbed. The first sign of a healthy microbiome is generally the greatest variety. If this diversity is reduced and ratios out of balance, something is wrong.
"There is no doubt that it can improve the health of the intestine, or disrupt hormonal risk. Your gut is the soil that nurtures the roots of hormonal health. Billions of microorganisms, beneficial species of friendly bacteria, viruses and yeasts – collectively called the human gut microbiome.

Snímek obrazovky 2024-07-21 v 18.40.11

Probiotics for women

A probiotic has two basic functions. As part of the first, it does a specific thing in the body – for example, it produces a vitamin, regulates immunity, helps in the breakdown of bile acids, or lowers cholesterol. The second function means changing the microbiota, improving its condition. Probiotic bacteria have many effects and act not only in the intestines, but also outside them - they affect the brain, skin, lungs or liver. It will support the vaginal hormone and will additionally help to regulate the level of hormones and thus alleviate the menstrual syndrome, even control weight or be a prevention of osteoporosis (which is related to the decrease of female sex sex sex hormones). In addition, it contains fiber and probiotics supporting the absorption of calcium in the intestine.

To support women's health, Organic Oasis has developed PROBIO WOMAN THERAPY probiotics, which contain 13 targeted live probiotic strains including prebiotics. The lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in the product are specially selected to improve women's health, correct the microecology of the vagina, alleviate possible vaginal inflammations, regulate hormone levels, and the like. The prebiotic fiber in the preparation is made from cluster beans (a popular source of soluble fiber) and acacia (made from the sap of this African tree), has an anti-inflammatory effect, supports colonization of the intestine with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli and its decomposition in the large intestine.

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